Wednesday, January 27, 2010

First Blog ever...

This is my first blog ever. I hope correct grammar isn’t necessary, because it isn’t going to happen. What to write about...well I’m really tired. I never seem to get enough sleep. Also Jim Thome is officially done with the white sox. He signed with Minnesota yesterday and it was a HUGE bummer. One of the nicest guys in professional sports, I'll definitely miss him.
So Kenny is wearing a new hat...whoa. Turns out that gave me the idea for the next hat I’m going to buy. I was wondering what hat id buy next, and I now know. Blue cardinal’s hat. Pretty pumped. Trems sexy...anyone who takes the poll and clicks no is a fool. He’s the best break buddy ever. Also Noah is gone and it kind of sucks. He was practically in all my classes, but now he’s gone...weird.