Thursday, January 28, 2010

Freedom of Religion

This article is mostly talking about religion and how it connects with the government. It begins by talking about how religion connected with government when the United States first began. It says that the Constitution never mentions God directly and only refers to him as The "Lord." Also, it mentions that although The Constitution never mentions it, The Declaration of Independence does on numerous occasions. A lot of people in those times disagreed on the topic of religion and government. People argued over whether or not religion should be included in The Constitution. It talks about how Thomas Jefferson said that there should be a "wall of separation of church state." he obviously thought that religion should take no part of government and the decisions it made. The article then refers to numerous court cases that have occurred because of religion and it affecting decisions in government. For the most part, religion has been kept out of most decisions, but people continue, and will always, argue over religion because of how controversial a topic it is.

"freedom of religion." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 28 Jan. 2010. .

Initial thoughts of religion

Religion, to me, is one of the most important things in life. It started with my grandparents sending every one of their children to catholic schools, which ended up making me go to holy cross. I didn’t realize how important religion would be until 8th grade. I truly began being really interested in religion sophomore year when I went on my first real retreat. I look towards my grandpa as one of the biggest reasons my faith is where it is today. There are many factors that try to effect my faith, including friends, choices, and peer pressure. I go to church pretty much every week and lead retreats, which draws slack from most of my friends, but I usually just shrug it off and continue to believe what I believe. I don’t care if others have different beliefs, it just bothers me when people make fun of my religion or try to tear my beliefs apart. Hopefully, religion will always be a big part of my life, and I continue growing my faith.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

State of the Union Address

I couldn’t help but feel really tired after watching the state of the union address. How do they do that? I get tired just from clapping at my sisters music recital and that’s clapping like 3 times. I can’t imagine clapping every 15 seconds and standing every 30. We get it. You agree. Why can’t it just be like senator Joe Wilson and everyone just scream out YEAH! Or NO! Or the classic, YOU LIE! It would save a lot of time and a heck of a lot of energy. But to get to what president Obama said, he made a lot of bold predictions and goals. Whether it was job gain or the deficit, he was trying to pump up the rest of the government to get things really rolling to make things the best they can be. He also stressed the need for bipartisan agreement. he included a few comments towards the republicans, including at one point, turning to the republican side while the democrats were applauding his comments on taxes, saying, "I thought I would get a few claps..." there was a few laughs (including me) but mostly from democrats. He also talked a lot about small business owners and including many plans to help create growth for them and give them tax breaks. I think it would be great for Obama to be able to grant all these wishes he created, but it just isn’t realistic. I see how it inspires the country to keep the faith, but this was a little bit of overkill. He’s most likely going to get a ton of slack when some of these promises go unchanged, but I do hope for the best, and think he will be able to do a lot of these.

First Blog ever...

This is my first blog ever. I hope correct grammar isn’t necessary, because it isn’t going to happen. What to write about...well I’m really tired. I never seem to get enough sleep. Also Jim Thome is officially done with the white sox. He signed with Minnesota yesterday and it was a HUGE bummer. One of the nicest guys in professional sports, I'll definitely miss him.
So Kenny is wearing a new hat...whoa. Turns out that gave me the idea for the next hat I’m going to buy. I was wondering what hat id buy next, and I now know. Blue cardinal’s hat. Pretty pumped. Trems sexy...anyone who takes the poll and clicks no is a fool. He’s the best break buddy ever. Also Noah is gone and it kind of sucks. He was practically in all my classes, but now he’s gone...weird.