Monday, February 8, 2010

Abington v. Schempp

This court case was arguing whether or not student-led reading of the Bible or reciting The Our Father violates the first amendment. The law in Pennsylvania at the time was to read at least ten verses from the Bible and that any student may decline to participate. The Schempp family argued that this was unconstitutional and they fought to get rid of this morning practice. I agree with the Schempp family. I believe that prayer should be a personal thing that is kept within yourself. I think the students should be given time to do whatever sort of prayer they prefer everyday, and I think they will get a lot more out of it.


NoahJAndre said...

Make sure you gather more information on your topics. you do not want to be stuck with minimal information to relate together. Gathering as much info and connections as possible can only help you in the long run. You began to talk about your personal feelings on the prayer which was good but go into more depth. the more personal connections you make the better.

Jenna Sapir said...

I think that this is an interesting article that you find but you should try to go more in depth with what the article is really saying. By adding in more quotes and details it will help give a better understanding of what this article was really saying about religion. I think that it was good that you added in your personal thoughts but go even further with it by saying why you believe what you believe. I think by doing that you could have a great journal entry!